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Pachakarma therapy at Ayurveda House

Panchakarma is the best mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. It promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation.

Panchkarma is one of the purificatory therapies of Ayurveda. “Panch” means Five and “Karma” means Actions . So simply translated it is a set of five systematic actions used for the purification of the body. It is used to bring the aggravated doshas into balance & to flush the accumulated ‘AMA’ toxins from the body using the normal modes of elimination like the intestines, sweat glands and Urinary tract. Elimination is a natural body instinct but over a period of time and in case of dosha imbalance, these wastes are not effectively eliminated from the body. These waste tend to stick into minute channels of the body known as Srotas and start producing diseases. Panchkarma is considered to be the most radical way to cleanse the body thereby eliminate once and for all the disease causing doshas and the toxins.

panchakarma center dharamsala

Person undergoing treatment of Panchkarma is asked to follow certain Purvakarmas viz. Ama Pachana, Snehana & Swedana before the actual start of 5 main actions :

  1. Ama Pachana – Some herbal medicines are given to the person in the form of powder, pills, or decoction for strengthening the Mandagni (digestive fire)
  2. Snehana – Snehana or Oleation is lubricating the system by using unuctuous substances like oil and ghee externally and internally. External oleation means massage, Shiro dhara, Pizzichal, Katibasti, Greevabasti, Jaanubasti while internal use is through Mouth, Nose, Anus.
  3. Swedana – Swedana not only gives temporary and lasting relief in many ailments but this is a prerequisite for all shamana courses in the same way as Snehana is For Vamana and Virechana.

The five main actions used for elimination are:
1. Vamana (emesis)
2. Virechana (purgation)
3. Basti (enema)
4. Nasya (nasal treatment)
5. Rakta mokshna (blood letting)

Panchakarma Procedures

  • Purificatory treatment has been prescribed separately for each dosha. Vamana is intended for the removal of kapha dosha. However, this is not to be adopted in mere Kapha only but, necessary in case of Kapha’s conjunction with one dosha or with both other doshas. When any poisonous matter is consumed, whether knowingly or not, vamana or vomitings are to be induced urgently. In Ayurveda Vamana has been described as the treatment which helps to throw out the doshas or the toxins out of the body from upper part in the form of induced vomittings.

    Vamana is only given to the eligible candidates after proper and complete examination. After doing the full oiling of the body by means of proper massages and intake of medicinal oil, patient is prepared for Vamana.Vamana helps to remove any type of obstruction from any part of the body thereby making the rest part of the treatment more easy and beneficial. Vamana is helpful in Bronchial asthma, Cough, Heart burns, Anorexia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Lunacy, Anaemia, Obesity, Goiter, Urticaria etc.


  • Virechana or purgation is as important purificatory technique as Vamana.The main difference is that its importance is mainly in Pitta. After doing the proper and fresh unction and sweating the medicine prepared with due regard to the bowel peculiarities and ailments, is given. The action of the medicine depends on the type of digestion. The nature of the patient’s bowel determines the medicine and its dose.

    The diseases in which Virechana is helpful are Piles, Jaundice, Vomiting, Spleen Enlargement, Intestinal disorders, Womb ailments, Semen disorders, Worms in intestine Arthritis, Constipation, Skin Diseases, Diabetes, Tumours, Lunacy, Asthma etc

  • Basti predominates the ‘Five Course Treatment’ (Panchkarma). This is prescribed for Vata dominated patients and overcomes all diseases, revives ojas and rejuvenates body. Ayurveda claims that no disease is incurable by basti. Basti is the process of injecting the fluid material through the anal, urinary or vaginal channel. Basti is of two types: Decoction and Oil base i.e. with Kshayas and Snehas. Sneha basti is given in small dose therefore known as matrabasti.

    The diseases in which basti can be given are Constipation, Retention of urine, Emaciation, Distention of abdomen, Numbness of any par, Intestinal worms, Spleenomegaly, Headaches, Cervical and Lumbar spondolosis, arthritis, hemiplegia, facial paralysis etc.

  • Nasya is as important as any of the other treatments of Ayurvedic treatment. This is more or less essential in all ailments above the neck. Its efficacy is no less in the ailments of the lower body too. Many of the nerves emanating from the head have their ends extended to the inner nose. Thus the medicine applied there can effectively spread their potency to the entire head and to some parts of the body either through these nerves directly or by other means by stimulating them and producing the desired results. As nose is the outlet for respiratory channel, nasya also alleviates all ailments originating from it.

    These diseases are well treated by Naysa : Throat diseases, Swelling affecting all parts above shoulder, Mumps, Tumours, Skin Diseases, Epilepsy, Chronic catarrh, Headaches, Migraines, Voice constrain, Dryness of mouth and nose, Speech impediments, Paralysis of the arms and many other diseases.

  • This fifth course of treatment means blood letting from the human body. Blood or Rakta is considered as an important dhatu of the body by Ayurveda. In case of any vitiation in this rakta dhatu, leads to many diseases in the body. Thus this vitiated blood is taken out with the help of leeches for the normal well being of a person.

    Rakta mokshna treats the diseases like Leprosy, Psoriasis, Leucoderma, De-pigmentation, Hemorrhoids, Pruritis, Spleen disorders, Indigestion, Mouth ulcers etc.